The Flexibility of Multisite Across Business Types

Apostrophe Assembly is our multisite solution for managing a fleet of websites from one dashboard. Here are three scenarios to showcase the flexibility and power of Assembly.

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Apostrophe Assembly is our multisite solution for managing a fleet of websites from one dashboard. Here are three scenarios that feature the power and flexibility of Assembly.

Scenario 1

Georgio is a digital platform manager at a large multinational corporation. He and his team are responsible for hundreds of websites. Different brands. Different countries. He has excelled at creating and delivering the larger more complex websites, but he is becoming overloaded by requests for smaller campaign websites or sites that only need to be live for a short amount of time. He can’t justify spending a lot of time or developer resources on them and the marketing department doesn’t have the budget to pay for them. Georgio needs a solution to deliver great looking sites quickly, efficiently, and on brand.

Scenario 2

Sarah works at a university and is responsible for all of the departments, colleges, institutes, labs, and special project websites. She needs to get websites up fast, manage the onboarding of users that rotate in and out each semester, all while following university design guidelines. Once the sites are live, she needs to be confident in the platform’s easy live editing experience, so that her future focus is not distracted by administrative support. Sarah needs a solution that supports a quick ramp up period for non-technical content editors and has all of the supporting elements that a university needs to communicate to students, staff, and the community.

Scenario 3

Adam runs a startup that has identified the need for an accessible way for restaurants and small shops to move all of their ordering online in response to a shift in online ordering behaviors. He has been laser focused in solving that problem for his customers and has developed an ordering system that works really well. However, now he is realizing that these shops also really need a website as a platform to make the ordering system accessible to shoppers and diners. He didn’t realize how many small businesses have been using a Facebook page as their online presence for so long! Adam needs a solution that is simple, repeatable, and can be packaged with his technology for a complete experience for his customers.

Enter Assembly.

Think of Assembly as a white-label website builder platform where you can deploy and manage an entire fleet of sites without any coding or DevOps required. With a single click, you can create a new website that can be configured with your own branding and integrated with your technology.

multisite ecommerce illustration

Assembly infrastructure with e-commerce integration layer

In the case of Georgio, our digital platform manager at the multinational corporation, their corporate design system is built into the starting templates and their database of product information is integrated. He can spin up a new website and use visual design tools to quickly customize the theme. Handing over the site to the marketing manager that needs to run a campaign can now happen in a matter of minutes rather than weeks. Training is straightforward and their marketing teams can start adding content immediately.

At the university, Sarah’s need for hundreds of sites is now satisfied by Assembly. The university branding and colors are set as the default when she creates a new site but she can also customize how each site looks with the drag of a slider or use of a color picker.

ApostropheCMS / Dynamic Visual Changes

Design customization with Apostrophe Assembly

More benefits for Sarah include the ability to easily activate and deactivate users in the same day, without having to submit webmaster requests. All sites also have a campus calendar automatically integrated so her team can add events to their sites in no time.

And that startup? Adam can now launch web storefronts for his customers in minutes. All of those restaurants and shops are selling online, directly to their customers, and making updates to their digital presence with ease. His company is able to hand over website control to his customers and with the confidence that they can manage on their own due to Apostrophe’s amazing live editing experience where they can preview their changes.

Apostrophe Assembly is powerful, scalable, and flexible across hundreds of different business cases. Visit our Plans and Pricing page to learn more about what's included in an Apostrophe Assembly solution.