Extensions & Integrations

A cross-platform command-line interface for creating, configuring, and managing sites built in ApostropheCMS.
> npm i @apostrophecms/cli

Apostrophe CLI

The Apostrophe CLI is a cross-platform starting point for creating and configuring ApostropheCMS projects, providing a simple boilerplate generator and wrapping other useful functions into an easy to use command line tool.

Requires Node.js 8+

First, install @apostrophecms/cli as a global NPM module:

npm install -g @apostrophecms/cli

To view the available commands in a given context, execute the apos command with no arguments:


Note: All Apostrophe CLI commands can also be run with apostrophe, the legacy command, in addition to apos.

Create a project

To create a new project with the tool:

apos create <shortname-without-spaces>

This will create a local copy of the apostrophe essentials starter kit.



Run create with a --starter flag to start from a Github repository other than the standard starters. For example, apos create <shortname-without-spaces> --starter=https://github.com/apostrophecms/apostrophe-open-museum.git would create a project using the Open Museum demo. The --starter flag also accepts shortened names for any of the existing starter kits that consists of the name of the repo with the starter-kit- prefix removed. For example, apos create <shortname-without-spaces> --starter=ecommerce for the starter-kit-ecommerce repo. Finally, if you are using a personal or organizational repo, you can prefix your repo with it's location followed by the name to automatically add https://github.com/. For example, apos create <shortname-without-spaces> --starter=mycoolcompany/my-starter.


If you are not using a locally hosted MongoDB server, you can provide a connection string with the --mongodb-uri flag. For the standard Atlas connection string, you will need to add quotes around the connection string due to the query parameters. This allows for the creation of an admin user during project creation. Note: this will not add your connection string to the project. It needs to be included through the APOS_MONGODB_URI environment variable, potentially through a .env file.

Create a widget

To bootstrap the necessary files and basic configuration for a new Apostrophe widget, run the following command from within your Apostrophe project's root directory:

# "-widgets" will automatically be appended to the end of your module name
apos add widget fancy-button

Note: You will then need to register this widget module in app.js so it is available in your project code. The same is true for the commands below when you create a piece module or generic module.

// app.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  'fancy-button-widgets': {},
  // ...

Add a --player option to the command to include the client-side Javascript "player" boilerplate to the new widget module as well.

apos add widget tabs --player

Create a piece

To bootstrap the necessary files and basic configuration for a new Apostrophe piece type, run the following command from within your Apostrophe project's root directory:

apos add piece vegetable

Then remember to register 'vegetable': {} in app.js above.

If you run the add piece command with the --page flag, the command will also set up a corresponding piece-pages module with your new piece type. Similarly, you can run the add piece command with the --widget flag, which will also set up a corresponding piece-widgets module along with your new piece type. These flags can be used together or separately.

apos add piece vegetable --page --widget

Create an empty Apostrophe module

To bootstrap the necessary files and basic configuration for a brand-new Apostrophe module that doesn't extend one of the usual suspects like pieces or widgets:

apos add module <module name>

Remember to register the module in app.js with the other module types.

For more documentation for ApostropheCMS, visit the documentation site.


2 months ago



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