Extensions & Integrations
Mermaid Extension
Mermaid Diagrams For ApostropheCMS
This module adds the Mermaid Diagram package for use in an ApostropheCMS project. This package allows for the addition of several different diagrams as outlined in the Mermaid documentation.
To install the module, use the command line to run this command in an Apostrophe project's root directory:
npm install @bodonkey/mermaid-extension
Add the mermaid-extension bundle and widget module in the app.js
shortName: 'my-project',
bundles: [ '@bodonkey/mermaid-extension' ],
modules: {
'mermaid-widget': {}
The widget can then be added to any area in the widgets
fields: {
add: {
main: {
type: 'area',
options: {
widgets: {
'@apostrophecms/rich-text': {},
'@apostrophecms/image': {},
'@apostrophecms/video': {},
'mermaid': {}
Selecting the mermaid widget in an area will bring up a modal containing a code editor for you to input the code for your diagram. After adding code you can test the results by clicking the 'Render Diagram' button. Note that the width of the modal prevents the display of the legend in the preview.
You can customize your diagrams by passing configuration in the diagram front matter. For example:
title: Hello Title
theme: base
primaryColor: "#00ff00"
Hello --> World
You can read more about configuration options in the Mermaid documentation.