Advanced Permissions extension
Advanced Permissions
This module provides more granular control over content permission. It allows the creation of custom groups with proscribed abilities and the ability to assign users to as few or as many groups as desired.
Automated Testing Tools extension
Automated Testing Tools
Automated functional browser tests are an important part of quality assurance for enterprise websites and web applications. This module provides a collection of conveniences for testing ApostropheCMS sites and applications within Cypress.
Code Upgrader extension
Code Upgrader
Upgrade your project codebase to the latest version of ApostropheCMS.
Content Upgrader extension
Content Upgrader
Upgrade your project database to the latest version of ApostropheCMS.
Custom Code Editor extension
Custom Code Editor
This module adds a new custom field schema to Apostrophe that allows the addition of code in a full-featured editor for display in code tutorials or documentation.
Redis Caching extension
Redis Caching
Replaces Apostrophe's MongoDB-based caching mechanism with Redis.
Rich Text Enhancement extension
Rich Text Enhancement
A bundle of two extensions for adding colors and fonts to text in the rich text editor.
XLSX format for Import Export Module extension
XLSX format for Import Export Module
This module improves @apostrophecms/import-export by adding the xlsx format.