Go beyond the core.

Automate workflows. Connect services.

Get more out of Apostrophe with these powerful extensions and integrations.

Shape Categories
Group Maintainer
Group License
Account Signup extension

Account Signup

A seamless solution that empowers users to easily create accounts on your website. Users can sign up in a few simple steps, complete with email verification and pre-determined user role and access level.
Advanced Permissions extension

Advanced Permissions

This module provides more granular control over content permission. It allows the creation of custom groups with proscribed abilities and the ability to assign users to as few or as many groups as desired.
AI Helper extension

AI Helper

This module enhances Apostrophe with AI-driven helpers. Currently this module offers a button to generate an image from a text prompt via OpenAI and the ability to insert menu options to generate rich text from a prompt via OpenAI.
Apos CLI extension

Apos CLI

A cross-platform command-line interface for creating, configuring, and managing sites built in ApostropheCMS.
Apostrophe Assembly Boilerplate extension

Apostrophe Assembly Boilerplate

The purpose of this repo is to serve as a quick start boilerplate for multisite-enabled, cloud-hosted projects based on and hosted via Apostrophe Assembly.
Apostrophe Basics extension

Apostrophe Basics

This module provides configurations you can tap into for further customization, including columns, slideshow, button, card, and hero.
Apostrophe Pro Starter extension

Apostrophe Pro Starter

This Pro starter project includes: Basic examples using the @apostrophecms-pro/basics modules, including multicolumn, hero, button, card and slideshow widgets. Basic example configuration of the @apostrophecms-pro/palette module. The @apostrophecms-pro/document-versions module. Simple examples of front-end code.
Astro Integration extension

Astro Integration

This module integrates ApostropheCMS into your Astro application.
Automated Testing Tools extension

Automated Testing Tools

Automated functional browser tests are an important part of quality assurance for enterprise websites and web applications. This module provides a collection of conveniences for testing ApostropheCMS sites and applications within Cypress.
Automatic Translation extension

Automatic Translation

This bundle allows automatic translation of documents (pages and pieces) when localizing content. It comes with two translation providers: Google Cloud Translation and DeepL.
Blog extension


This module bundle helps developers quickly add blog articles to ApostropheCMS websites.
Chart.js extension extension

Chart.js extension

This extension adds Chart.js functionality to your ApostropheCMS pages through a new widget and data-set piece type. You can easily add line, bar, scatter, bubble, pie, and doughnut charts.
Code Upgrader extension

Code Upgrader

Upgrade your project codebase to the latest version of ApostropheCMS.
Content Sync extension

Content Sync

Provides a way to sync all content for a site, or all sites, between two environments. Our hosting customers receive this automatically as part of our hosting CLI. Self-hosted Pro and Assembly customers can use this command line tool in their own environment.
Content Upgrader extension

Content Upgrader

Upgrade your project database to the latest version of ApostropheCMS.
Custom Code Editor extension

Custom Code Editor

This module adds a new custom field schema to Apostrophe that allows the addition of code in a full-featured editor for display in code tutorials or documentation.
Data Set extension

Data Set

This module provides a way to import a comma-separted values file (CSV) and display the data as an HTML table, or in other ways provided by the developer.
Document Versions extension

Document Versions

This module automatically creates versions for your published documents (pages and pieces) and allows manual restore to any previously saved document version.
Event Manager extension

Event Manager

Provides a complete foundation for displaying upcoming events in ApostropheCMS.
Favicon extension


Allows editors to change the favicon (the icon in the browser tab) within ApostropheCMS.
Form Builder extension

Form Builder

Allows editors to create their own forms for gathering and delivering user input.
Forms Google Sheets Submission extension

Forms Google Sheets Submission

This module adds an additional form submission option to Apostrophe Forms in ApostropheCMS. It allows website managers to configure individual forms to submit to a specific Google Docs spreadsheet.
hCaptcha Login Verification extension

hCaptcha Login Verification

This login verification module adds a hCaptcha check when any user logs into the site.
i18n Static extension

i18n Static

This module makes it possible to edit the translations of static text strings found in templates through the ApostropheCMS admin UI.
Import Export Translations extension

Import Export Translations

The purpose of this module is to create a specialized JSON file containing the text of the site, which can be downloaded and manually edited into a different language before being imported into a new locale. Upon import, pages from the default locale will be localized into the new locale substituting the translated text.
Import-Export extension


Import and export pages and pieces with or without their relationships and associated files and images within ApostropheCMS projects.
Mermaid Extension extension

Mermaid Extension

This module adds the Mermaid Diagram package for use in an ApostropheCMS project. This package allows for the addition of several different diagrams as outlined in the Mermaid documentation.
Multisite Apostrophe Assembly extension

Multisite Apostrophe Assembly

This module lets you have many ApostropheCMS websites running on a single codebase in a single Node.js process. Each has its own database, users, media uploads, etc. Sites can be created and managed via a dashboard site.
Multisite Dashboard extension

Multisite Dashboard

This extension enhances the default multisite dashboard with infinite scroll, search functionality, and the ability to save templates.
Open Graph Tools extension

Open Graph Tools

Provides a way to edit metadata for Facebook's Open Graph standard.
pa11y-extension extension


This module adds a pa11y-dashboard to your site. This allows you to evaluate the accessibility of your site based on the WCAG2 rules.
Palette Design Editor extension

Palette Design Editor

Palette is a module that provides an in-context interface for changing the values of developer-set CSS properties.
Passport extension


Provides single sign-on capabilities for ApostropheCMS, allowing users to login with Google, GitLab and other authentication providers.
Pieces Export extension

Pieces Export

Allows editors to export pieces data. Supports .csv, .tsv, and .xlsx as well as user defined formats.
Pieces Import extension

Pieces Import

This module provides editors an optional import feature to all piece type modules in an Apostrophe project. This feature enables importing pieces from CSV files where it is configured.
Redirects extension


Allows admins to create redirects from one URL to another in ApostropheCMS. In addition, the built-in soft redirects automatically handle legacy URLs when pages move.
Redis Caching extension

Redis Caching

Replaces Apostrophe's MongoDB-based caching mechanism with Redis.
Rich Text Enhancement extension

Rich Text Enhancement

A bundle of two extensions for adding colors and fonts to text in the rich text editor.
Scheduled Publishing extension

Scheduled Publishing

This module allows to schedule publishing of your pieces (which includes pages) to specific dates.
Security Headers extension

Security Headers

This module sends the modern HTTP security headers that are expected by various security scanners.
SEO Assistant extension

SEO Assistant

The SEO Assistant module generates SEO page metadata automatically through the use of AI. It comes configured for use with the OpenAI models. It is also possible to configure your own providers.
SEO Tools extension

SEO Tools

SEO configuration for ApostropheCMS. Adds useful meta fields to all pages and pieces.
Site Maps extension

Site Maps

Generates XML and plaintext sitemaps for sites in ApostropheCMS.
SVG Sprites extension

SVG Sprites

Allows editors to import SVG sprite maps and manage them through a Media Library-like interface.
Template Library extension

Template Library

This module solves the "blank page problem" for developers and product managers, and makes it faster for editors to create content. Template Library allows for the configuration of default widgets and pre-populated content on piece or page templates, and to re-use existing layouts.
Text Anchors extension

Text Anchors

Allows any widget to be linked via a "named anchor" created in the rich text editor.
TOTP Login Verification extension

TOTP Login Verification

Add 2FA support via a third party authenticator app.
Vite extension


This extension provides Vite integration for ApostropheCMS projects, enabling module bundling and hot module replacement (HMR) during development.
XLSX format for Import Export Module extension

XLSX format for Import Export Module

This module improves @apostrophecms/import-export by adding the xlsx format.